Brett Ryan Munson - Online Memorial Website

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Brett Munson
Born in California
28 years
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Dad No Fear (Brett would go) May 14, 2018
OH Yeah!!!
Dad smile March 13, 2018
Thinking of good times
dad More good times December 29, 2017
Lots of Calico Bass.
dad fishing December 29, 2017
We had lots of great fishing days. Bretts haibut caught off his longboard...
Roo Roo Whip Cream for Cleat May 19, 2012

My time with Rat was brief yes, but the memories we made and the impact he had on my heart will last a lifetime. Reed Child I am so sorry it has taken this long for me to leave this for you.  Rat I miss you still so much.  I am very grateful that I got to be apart of your life and your families lives.

 I have so many moments that are special. For one, I called Brett “rat” and we had other nick names, but one of my favorites is from Reed.. Niney Nute. When I met Brett let’s just say I came from a different place lol. We didn’t actually have a lot in common. The only things we shared were the love for the ocean and music. I couldn’t understand why Bryan,Troy, Rehab, Perv, white head, and Oaf were calling each other grom? Even though I lived so far away we were inseparable.  I had to move closer. My favorite memories are sitting in the Vista apartment watching our nightly shows with Reed (which I can’t name here lol beeb he would be mad!) to working out in the gym together.  We would squish in Bryan’s truck to go get tattooed. We would take Reed’s truck and listen to the bad religion cassette tape all the way to the campgrounds. I miss video taping his every move in the water and watching Bryan run over body boarders lol.  No surfing for me… It was my job to video tape and make sure “no barn yard farmers get near the rat cave”  When I think of Rat I think of his eyes and smile that so many of you have mentioned.  I like to think about my birthday one year where he was gone up north working with Oaf and it he wasn’t going to be able to make it home to celebrate. Reed told me to go out and get Cleat. We just moved into the Oceanside condo and Cleat would hide in the bushes by our window. I finally found her and when I turned around to bring her in there he was with those big green eyes and unforgettable smile. I was so surprised.  I won’t forget the times we would eat the whip cream straight from the can and he would always put a little on the tile for cleat. I will always miss and remember the house full of sand, the tomatoes, his French toast, pinches, fixing the surfboards with white head, laughing non stop at Reebler talking in his sleep, watching the videos and making the videos, listening to Brandon tell stories about what Rat would make him do when he was little, the bonfires, learning to do the quack, jumping the fence at campgrounds, carving C.G.L. South Side into everything, and living and breathing the beach everyday.  There are so many moments where he touched my heart.  But don't you know I'm the only one who can call her honey, She’s a knockout! Whenever times got tough for me Rat would always wipe my face and tell me to keep my tears in my pouch because kangaroos don’t cry. "If tears could build a stairway, and memories a lane, I'd walk right up to heaven, and bring you home again.” – Anonymous


 Brett I miss you and will never forget you. You took my heart a long time ago and you will always have a piece of it. I love and miss you. Roo still sits on my bed with CGL on its chest.  When we meet again we will bring Cleat’s dead animals in to your mom again singing mam in na mam in na mam, tell Tracy together, “want some get some, bad enough take some…Hot Sauce!”,  feed doughnuts to horses while surfinig in Mexixo with Bryan, look at pictures of Indonesia with your Dad, and make sculptures out of surfboard resin together lol.


I know you can see all of this love that is still pouring out of our hearts today for you. You were and always will be one in a million. Your heart, your spirit, your passion, and talent will always be remembered. “In The Night!”


I love you Rat. I love you Reed.

Love always, your Roo Roo

DAD Good Times May 18, 2012
I remember the day you Kathryn and Alicia first went to the park and saw the local peacocks. You guys were so happy and said you had so much fun and thought it was such a beautiful place. When I go there (BRETT) you are in my heart and thoughts of you being so happy to be walking there are my memories.

Love You Dad
            Brett was such an amazing man his heart was like a heart of gold. He was such an amazing friend and son and brother.  He taught me how to love and how to really have a good time.  When I first met Brett I knew he was the one.  He always knew how to make a croud smile and have a good time he was always the life of the party and forever he will be missed by us all.  Brett loved to surf, he loved the beach.  He would always take me to the jetties and sit on them with me and make me listen to the waves.  I remember he would always say babe sushhh, and listen.  He taught me so many things about life and how to be a good mother.  Believe it or not he even taught me how to disipline my daughter.  He was so patient loving and kind.  Brett would never ever hurt a soule or even a fly.  He loved animals and walking the dog at his dads house..... His favorite show was Curb ur Enthusasium.  He always laughed so hard at that show.. He loved to watch movies and T.V.  while eating choclate ice cream.  He always had to pour milk on top of the bowl because it would make the ice cream icy he would say.... His favorite candy was Sour Patch Kids, he could never have enough!!!!! Brett always loved his mommys cooking he was always so proud to invite me over to eat dinner with him and his mom.  I remember one time Brett was watching Alicia at the pool and he had her hang on to the end of the pool net cleaner thing and he dragged her all around the pool. It looked so funny she couldn't get enough. Brett and his Brother Bryan weren't just brothers they were best friends.  He loved his brother so much, they would always be together.  Brett looked up to his brother so much in so many ways. Brett will be forever missed in all of our hearts, and my prayers go out to everyone out there who are feeling the same way as I am one year later.  We loved him so much, and now he is in such a better place. He is up in heaven with his bestest friend Brad who passed away a couple of years before. He loves us all and wants no tears he wants to be remembered and never forgotten.  I love you my niney, bear, dub dub forever you will be in my heart.  I miss you so much, not one day has gone by where I have not thought and cried for you.  I love you and rest in peace my angel

Kathryn bear



I thought of you  with love today,But that is nothing new. I thought about you yesterday and days before that too.I think of you in silence,I often speak your name.All I have are your memories And your picture in a frame. Your memory is my keepsake,With which I'll never part.God has you in his keeping I have you in my heart.

With All my Love forever

Whispers From Heaven

When I left this world without you

I know it made you blue.

Your tears fell so freely,

I watched; I know this is true

While you were weeping,

Days after I passed away-

While all was silent within me,

I saw you kneel to pray.

From this wonderful place called heaven

Where all my pain is gone,

I send a gentle breeze to whisper,


The peace that I have found here

Goes far beyound compare

No rain, no clouds, no suffering-

Just LOVE from everywhere.

You need not be troubled

Just stay close to GOD in prayer

Someday we'll be united

My LOVE, HIS LOVE surrounds you always,


CGL, Ratson 82-10


I feel a warmth around me like your presence is so near,

and I close my eyes to visualize your face when you were here,

I endure the times we spent together and they are locked inside my heart,

for as long as I have those memories we will never be apart,

Even though we cannot speak no more my voice is always there,

Because every night before I sleep I have you in my prayer


I love and miss you My Niney,


Sena (James) Johnson
I have the dearest memories of Brett :-)  All of which I hold so near to my heart.  Brett and I met a few days before Christmas of '05 at the Acapulco's on Hollywood Blvd., just past LaBrea.  It was the most awesome chance in encounter.  My pal Cindy and I spontaneously pulled in to get a couple of martini's, since I was flying to Toronto the next day.  Brett was working in town, so after Cindy and I settled our tab, she headed to the ladies room and Brett and two of his coworkers walked in and I immediately noticed him.  He was so handsome :-)  Cynthia, my super friendly & confident friend, looked over at their table, back at me and said "let's get another, girl", lol, without hesitation, we proceeded to giggle, she with the rubberneck, me way too shy to even consider talking to him.  SO, our dear Brett, get's up, all smooth, looks back at his buddies and walks straight into the table next to ours, haha, it was classic, very smooth ;-P  On his way back, he came by to introduce himself, I was super shy, Cynthia wasn't and after some flirting and laughs and of course, thanks to Cindy's super social skills, we exchanged numbers and I can't even tell you about the countless cute and funny things he did in between.  I thought nothing of it, however, while I was away, I couldn't get him out of my mind.  He called the morning I said I would be back in town and I loved it!!!  Oh, I loved him, so deeply with all of my heart.

I would drive from L.A. to see him, with my dog Sonny Boy, who Brett renamed Rat Dawg, lol, aww, Sonny loved him so much, they had a sweet relationship, those two :-)  Brett was very generous, very caring, tender, loving, sincere, funny, protective, all things which melted my heart and allowed me to love him back.  We shared every meal, we cooked a super awesome fettucini ala carbonera for my birthday and I asked him if he had spent much time in the kitchen with his mother, because he was really good!  He made the best breakfast sandwiches, just the way I like them.  I would bring french pastries home from work, some stupid corporate celebration or other, I would gather several and we would split each, oohhing and ahhing over their goodness.  We both shared a wicked sweet tooth.  We sat and watched the waves, and there was a feeling of effortless intimacy neither of us had ever experienced before and from that came a lot of trust and comfort.  We laughed a lot, got a little wild at times and I felt like our relationship mimicked that of a Picasso, entitled The Meditation.  We dedicated songs to each other and he gave me the greatest 29th birthday weekend & Valentine's day too (I'm born on Feb., 14th), so even though he knew it was sappy, he still made me blush.  It was lovely.  We actually got pulled over in Mexico that weekend.  I spent way too much time getting ready, which I thought was ok because I wanted to look extra pretty for him, so my lagging cost us the night at La Fonda he planned, which is when we got pulled over, Brett handled the situation with a lot of smarts and we were back on our way to San Diego, but not before picking up some tacos.  He was the best, most attentive and loving boyfriend I have ever had.  He did everything to make me smile and I lived to see his.  I see his smile everyday.  It was the most beautiful smile, it just lit up the room :-)

Despite, our lifestyles taking different turns, and despite my heartbreak over losing him, I never questioned his choice, which he said was to protect me, which I saw it too.  We last shared a memory of talking and silently enjoying the waves and each other's company at the Rat Cave, by the campgrounds.  I can still see his beautiful eyes reflecting off the fire and I can still see him scrambling to get his high-tops off to join me in the water, the cold water, but only barefoot, it was freezing out! 

It meant a lot to me when Donna invited me to his Paddleout, because I hadn't revisited that spot since and it filled my heart with the love for Brett I will always carry with me.  He was and still is, next to my infant son, the most beautiful boy I had ever known.  Every day I tell him I love him and I know he is watching over my son and I pray to him, too.  I hold all of my sweet memories of Brett, so precious, like it was yesterday.  Brett was too good for this world.  His heart was too big and soft...  He was an angel and he still is now.

This is a picture Brett took of Rat Dawg, which he sent me while I was at work to make me smile and it still does, hehe!  My boys.  I loved that board of his, too cute! :-)  I love you, Brett :-) xoxox 

Ratt, man I miss you grom. Remember when I first met your family? I moved in upstairs and you guys were directly under me in Leucadia. I had a friend over and apparently we were raging hard enough to hear about it from your mom the next morning. She was pretty upset ! But within a week or so I was eating dinner with you guys and thats where our friendship began. You and Bryan were ultra groms. I remember taking you surfing in my truck soon after that, you must have been 11 or twelve something like that. We went to Ponto and you snaked me like a little RattFink! I should have let you walk home but no we just laughed about it. Years went by but I still kept in touch with you guys. As you got older we became super close. There were times I didnt have anywhere to go to crash or eat on the holidays or whatever. It didnt matter you were always there for me without a question. I was always welcome wherever no matter what. I thank you for that. I remember taking you to see Slayer, Youthbrigade, The Cramps  whatever shows we could go to. It didnt matter if the money was tight or not I just enjoyed kickin it with you. Mama Ratts camp sites and surfing the Ratt Cave are times I still play in my head over and over. I know in my heart that you know I was always there for you just like you and your family are to me. I miss you sooooo fricken much. I'll never forget the time i was pretty down and out not a penny to my name. A day left in my shady apartment and my car insurance about to expire. You gave me pretty much your last 100 bucks from your Christmas money so I could pay both my insurance and a storage spot for all my stuff. Thanks again. Thats just how we both were to each other. And the time when someone extremely close to me passed away and I was hurting big time. I called you and you dropped everything caught the next cab from Oside to my Cbad house with no hesitation. I was sitting in my garage listening to Slayer crying like a baby. You came in gave me a hug and let me get it all out. I dont know of alot of people that would do that for a friend. Thanks. As you know I kick it with your mom from time to time talk and text. We walked on the beach the other day and she answered some questions I had and helped me better understand some things. Then we walked back and threw some flowers in the water in your name. She misses you like crazy we all do. I definately am looking forward to the next time you and I see each other again. Keep ripping my friend and try to look after all of us, we still need you. I know we still feel you. Oh yeah, thanks again for my CGL camp stamp tattoo on my right foot, a forever reminder of you! Forever your friend, TroyBoy


Brett was a very grateful kid from the start. He was very independent and inquisitive, always ready to try anything new. He started everything early, to him age didn't factor in on the deal! Brett included his brother Bryan in everything, they are bestfriends forever and they always had each other's back.

Sports started at a early age for Brett who always went all out at what he did. He loved to skateboard, BMX bike, roller blade, baseball, snowboarding, fishing, surfboard fishing, and of course his biggest love surfing, man could Brett surf he always got the best waves!

Brett liked lot's of music but punk rock and Slayer was his favorite.

I remember Christmas at the Mimosa house when Brett was 4 years old; Santa brought him his first bicycle with training wheels. Brett jumped on that beauty, down the angled driveway he went, turning right onto the downhill street gaining speed - BRAKES - Brett didn't know what they were or how to operate them. He was heading straight for the end of the street. Thank god for the big pile of landscape bark, next stop would have been the curb!

We all know that our kids love to show us the direction they think we should go, as was the case on a family vacation to northern California when Brett was 5 and Bryan 7 years old. Dad, Mom, Bryan and Brett were walking on a wooded trail ,of course Brett was out in front. So far out in front that when Dad, Mom and Bryan came to the three way fork in the trail, Brett was out of sight - Panic set in - which way did he go - well we found him and that never happened again.

FORT MUNSON Brett now 8 years old; One day I came home from work to notice a power cord going over the fence, I heard a power skill saw roaring away! In the field behind our house was FORT MUNSON in progress! Talk about panic Brett and Bryan with a land shark in their hands and the biggest SMILIES they had no idea what could have happened! Well we all had a talk so that would not happen again.

Brett at age 12 wow Brett and Bryan built a giant BMX track behind the house, kids from as far away as Escondido came to ride the handmade PRO TRACK all made with the boy's love for excitment and fun.

Then there was the time I built a skateboard ramp for one of the boy's friends. When it was done nobody wanted to be the first to try it, but of course Brett who was the youngest of them all said I'll try it and off he went ripping it up.

Grandma and Grandpa Munson lived in Dana Point when Brett was growing up. They loved doing things with Bryan and Brett. Grandma was telling me about one day she remembers in particular when the boy's were 4 and 6 years old, they all decided to go down to the harbor for a dingy ride. Brett and Bryan were so excited to go. When they got to the dock and to the dingy, Bryan took one look at the water in the bottom of the dingy and told Brett you go, so Brett jumped in with out a care. Brett went to many fun places with Grandma and Grandpa Disneyland, Catalina Island, La Brea Tar Pits, Lake Cuyamaca.

Sometime after Grandpa Munson passed away Brett's Grandma moved up to McKinleyville where Brett's Anut Karen, Uncle Bruce and Cousion Katie live. One summer Katie and Grandma came down to visit for a couple of weeks. At that time Brett 12, Bryan 14 and Katie 8 years old. So as the story goes the boy's decided one day to take Katie over to the lake at La Costa Golf course to go bass fishing the boy's loved to fish there. So off the went 3 kids 3 poles not a care in the world. They had been catching fish all morning -OH NO!!!!! - Here comes the gaurd yells Bryan. Brett yells Katie we have to run for it. The boy's could always out run the gaurd but this time Katie got caught. The boy's came back and told the gaurd she is with us. So the gaurd took them to the office and called the Carlsbad Police. When the policeman showed up they took one look at the kids and kind of laughed and told the gaurd this is private property, you can handle this. So I got the call and went down to pick the kids up and only after signing a release saying they would not fish there anymore could we go.

SURFING Brett's sport Brett's love. At 6 years old he made it perfectly clear no BOOGIE BOARDING for Brett only surfing that was his passion so early in life! So we took Brett down to meet Jeff at Rat surfboards and from that point on Jeff made every board (and we are talking many many boards) that Brett rode for the next 20 Years. Thank you Jeff Brett loved you! At 8 years old Brett was in the NSSA (National Scholastic Surfing Association) His first contest was also when he was 8 years old at Solana Beach. He placed third and everyone was saying who is this new kid. Later I remember at age 14, Brett surfed in a contest at Oceanside Harbor where he caught 3- 10 point waves in one heat - Perfect score this rarely happens, even with the pros today. Brett also loved surfing for Carlsbad high school and took pride in his team and was well liked by all the surfers and staff.

I remember one summer day Brett was 16 years old, I was at work and got a phone call from Brett, Dad we are in Baja surfing close to La Fonda, Then I heard Brett say to one of his buddies, Hey do you have another quarter the phone is going to shut off, CLICK the phone went dead. I sat at home that weekend freaking out waiting for Brett to come home.

Another surf trip Kimberly and I took Brett and Joe Jansen to mainland Mexico to a place called San Pancho, Brett and Joe ripped the waves. They surfed all day every day for a week, they got to know many local kids in the village. When it came time to come home Brett asked me if he could give his one month old surfboard to a local kid who he became friends with. I told Brett it is your board you make the choice and I was so proud because Brett gave his surfboard to this kid who he just meet a week ago and the smile on Bretts face was so big I will never forget that day.

Surfboard fishing Brett, Bryan and I did this alot when the surf was small. Grandview was the spot to go we had it wiried, catching Halibut, Sand Bass and Calico Bass and Brett caught the biggest Calico Bass I have ever seen off his surfboard bigger than any Calico I have seen caught off a boat. When I find the picture I will post it, you will not believe it!

As a teenager Brett and Brandon would go snowboarding, I remeber Brett took the Greyhound bus to Tahoe to meet Brandon one time. It was scary sending him off but he could do things on his own he was a smart kid.

As Brett became a man he started working construction. Brett always took pride in his work and Bryan who started as a carpeneter before Brett would always help

Brett learn his way, that is how they were always willing to help the other with anything. Brett took pride in his work he would show me things that he built on the job. Brett loved his tools always buying another tool, always cleaning them before neatly putting them away in his truck after a long day at work.

Last November 2009 Brett moved into my home for a few months and one of his favorite places to go was Rancho Carrillo Park. Brett, Katherine and Alicia loved to go for walks in the park and see all the peacocks, old buildings and enjoy the peaceful place it is.

When Christmas 2009 came Brett asked, hey dad can I put up the Christmas lights? Of course you can Brett that would be awesome I replied. When Brett had finished he was stoked, he had that giant smile he was known for just glowing. I was so proud of him and I had that same smile back at him. Brett could not wait to show Katherine and Alicia the lights and when he did he was so happy to see them both smile.

So many times Brett showed how much he loved and cared for his family and friends. Brett is loved by many many friends and family and Brett will be missed by all of us.

I give thanks to all who visit this site, to all who came to Bretts service, to those who could not make it, to those who pray for Brett and his Family and to everyone at the paddle out may Bretts ashes lay there at campies for all us to remember him by. 

My son I miss you and I love you so, every wave I catch is in you memory and I will always remember all those day's we had in the surf. You taught me alot about caring for others I love you my son.

Love Dad 


Eric Wesselmann
Brett was a person whom everybody liked immediately… because of his simplicity, his nature, his compassion, his magnetic personality, his overwhelming presence, and maybe most of all because of his originality---he was one of the most admired, one of the most beloved, and, without any doubt, the most extraordinary people I have ever met (especially when it came to surfing). I met Brett almost 25 years ago, when I moved in next door to him in La Costa. I remember him as a very young grom, coming over to swim in our pool- when his mom wouldn’t even let him get close to the water without wearing a life jacket!! It didn’t take long for him to start doing flip after flip off the diving board, and before long, he began wearing his life jacket upside down like a diaper while doing front AND back flips into the pool!! Even when we were very young, I began to realize that he was one of the most benevolent, charismatic, and kind hearted people I had ever known. It wasn’t until later on in our teenage years that I really realized how legendary(and Ratly) Brett actually was… he was genuinely one of a kind status, and with no worries, an omnipresence of scallies, and a disinterest for the mundane- he allllllll-waaays lived it to the fullest and had a smile on his face the whole way! It was for these reasons and so many others that I will be eternally grateful for being fortunate enough to have had him in my life, and I will keep the memories close to my heart Foreverrrrr! There are a lot of things I should thank Brett for, the first and foremost would definitively be a huge thank you for the hundreds of millions of laughs; thank you for always making me keep my chin up and charge, and I also thank him for being uncompromising, unselfish, altruistic, spirited and of course, bold. Thanks for ALL the memories: -like the time when u bought a tuxedo and wore it EvErYwHeRe!, or all the fishing which we referred to as “slaying”-whether on a golf course or in some girls aquarium down at San Diego State, yogi bearing, general charging of the Nissan to a beautifully orchestrated soundtrack of Slayer and old Metallica, and one of my personal favorites: watching the movie North Shore while you recited EVERY SINGLE line as it played out.. Another huge thank you is for being such a talented surfer and a truly free spirit-- which taught me so many valuable life lessons and helped shape who I am. The value I place on these things goes further than it is possible to express!!! You established ideals that transcend time and space.. This is such a tragic loss not only to me- but to everyone (I think even the Campground Rangers will shed tears). I know you are at peace Rat, fly free and monitor the kingdom!! I Miss you now and forever, Grom!! And of course, one last thing— C.G.L.s FOR LIFE, RATSON!!!!

I remember when your Dad and I took you tuna fishing with us. It was your first time and you were so excited and you had that big smile on your face.When you hooked that first tuna those fish didnt know what they were up against that day, you slayed um.Every time I looked over you were hooked up with another big one. You out fished your Dad and I that day and made us look like a bunch of rookies.What a great trip!!


I look forward to riding that eternal wave with you some day and I promise I wont drop in on you but it wouldnt matter because you would just hit the lip and fly right over me .Save some set waves for us........

All those we love are part of us, for things of beauty leave their trace, and memories of all we've shared are treasures time cannot erase. So Brett do this, ride all the perfect warm water point or beach break waves you can, because we're coming to be with you and its going to get crowded!! Dude you are too Cool!! Pray For Surf!!!!
My dearest son Brett (my niney)
Since the day you were born your smile was my everything. You were always so happy, loving and caring and funny. Each day my heart aches for you, since the awful day you went away. I felt as if my world had stopped, and at that moment I wished it had. My Brett, I can never hold you again nor will I hear you say mom or what you would call me, Reed. You being gone is hard to believe and I know in my heart, God knew you had to leave. You are so precious to me and always have been, from the day you were born. All of my memories are because of you and I will never forget all of our camping trips, bond fires, hanging out on the beach surfing, and I will hold them close to my heart always and forever. My love for you will always be because of who you are, my beautiful Brett, my son, forever love. All of these feelings will always be because my son is so precious to me. Each precious memory will be kept deep in my heart and will stay close to me, and help me get through this till the day I will hold you again in my arms. In life we loved you dearly and in death we do the same, it broke our hearts to lose you. Brett you left us peaceful memories that we will cherish forever. Your love is still our guide and though we cannot see you, you will always be by our sides. Our family chain is broken, and nothing seems the same, but as God calls us one by one, the chain will link again. I still hurt, I still love, I still miss, I still cry. Rest in peace my sweet Brett I love you forever.


you gave me life you showed me how to live, how to laugh, and most importantly how to love. You were my best friend and my one true love. My heart longs to be with you everyday. I miss you so much. Before you passed on I wasn’t really a Christian. I guess you could say that I believed somewhat but through these times of trial and suffering God gave me something special. On the night that you laid your head to rest my mom was praying for you in the living room all of a sudden out of nowhere a book was knocked off of the shelf. My mom told me that she thought it was pretty weird considering that there was no earthquake and the cats were both upstairs. She continued praying for you then went to bed. The next morning my mom went over to the bookshelf to see what fell off of the shelf the night before. She noticed a single book laying on the ground, called Streams in the Desert. My heart was in so much grief that I myself almost couldn’t make it to the other side of all the pain. My soul was uneasy and I needed peace if I was to go on. As it says in the scriptures Only the faith of a Mustard seed can move mountains. I remember one day you were really worried about one of your friends and to my disbelief you had asked me to pray for him. Well on the drive out to Vegas with my family there were no accidents that I just so happened to be reading Streams in The Desert, just as I was driving through the desert. God heard my cries. I remember closing my eyes and saying “ God please show me the answer to Brett’s salvation, give us all some sense of peace in our hearts knowing that he is in your loving arms.” And God answered………….. Right after I opened that book that mysteriously fell off of our book shelf and this is what it said…….

It may seem paradoxical, but the only person who is at rest has achieved it through conflict. This peace, born of conflict, is not like the ominous lull before the storm but like the serenity and the quietness following the storm, with its fresh, purified air.

The person who may appear to be blessed, having been “untouched” by sorrow, is typically not one who is strong and at peace. His qualities have never been tested, and he does not know how he would handle even a mild set back. The safest sailor is certainly not one who has never weathered a storm. He may be right for fair-weather sailing, but when a storm arises, wouldn’t you want an experienced sailor at the critical post? Wouldn’t you want one at the helm who has fought through a gale and who knows the strength of the ship’s hull and rigging, and how the anchor may be used to grasp the rocks of the ocean floor?

Oh, how everything gives way when affliction first comes upon us! The clinging stems of our hopes are quickly snapped, and our heart lies overwhelmed and prostate, like a vine the windstorm has torn from its trellis. But once the initial shock is over and we are able to look up and say, “ It is the Lord” (John 21:7) , faith begins to lift our shattered hopes once more and securely binds them to the feet of God. And the final result is confidence, safety, and peace.

The adverse winds blew against my life;

My little ship with grief was tossed;

My plans were gone~ heart full of strife,

And all my hope seemed to be lost~

“Then he arose”~ one word of peace.

“There was a calm”~ a sweet release.

A tempest great of doubt and fear

Possessed my mind; no light was there

To guide, or make my vision clear.

Dark night! ‘twas more than I could bear~

“Then he arose,” I saw his face~

“There was a calm” filled with his grace.

My heart was sinking ‘ neath the wave

Of deepening test and raging grief;

All seemed as lost, and none could save,

And nothing could bring me relief~

“Then He arose”~ and spoke one word,

“There was a calm!” “IT IS THE LORD.”


~LOVE ALWAYS AND FOREVER, until later never goodbye,

Kathryn B. Nicolayeff 5-23-10


Brandon Kisgen (cousin)
Brett and Bryan were always like older brother's to me growing up. Brett taught me all the little things in life, like teaching me how to ride the public bus down to the beach when i was 10, or teaching me how to cook a frozen burrito on the radiator while driving to the desert, or how to fish on the golf course and i cant forget when he introduced me to the music of slayer at age 12. I remember the time you wanted to go snowboarding so you picked me up at my house and when you got their you ask me if i had an extra pair of snowboard pants, snowboard boots and gloves, you were never worried about the little things in life, but always focused on living in the moment. Brett you will always be missed, but i can never thank you enough for being such a fun and awesome cousin and being an older brother to me during the summers. Thanks for giving me the memories that i will carry on for the rest of my life. Your funny sense of humor and all your crazy NICKNAMES for everything and everyone will be greatly missed. Rest in Piece my cousin and friend...
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