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My Heavenly Angel

We have shared our tears and our sorrow.
We have given encouragment to each other,
Given hope for a brighter tomorrow.
We share the title of grieving mother.
Someof us lost son's and some of us lost daughters who we watched grow over the years.
Some have lost their babies before there lives begun,
But no matter the age, we cry the same tears.
We understand each other's pain The bond we share is very strong.
With each other there is no need to explain. 
The path we walk is hard and long. 
Our children brought us together they didn't want us on this journey alone.
They knew we needed each other to survive the pain of them being gone.
So take my hand my friend.
We may stumble and fall along the way, but we'll get up and try again because together we can make it day by day.
We can give each other hope.
We'll create a place  where we belong.
Together we will find ways to cope,
Because we are Angel Moms and together we are strong.

When the warmth of the sun touches my face,
I see your smile and feel your embrace.

I hear the wisper of Love in the wind
And I know that you are close to me again.

The rain speaks of tears and the thunder of pain,
But soon the sun comes the earth to reclaim.

As the days come and go and the world moves on,
I know you're still here, you'll never be gone.

On the night the Angel came and took your hand,
We cried as you left for an unknown land.

But Heaven rejoiced as you came into sight,
For your soul was a diamond, shining so bright !

By Karen Mc Combs

Pennies from Heaven

I found a penny today
just laying on the ground
But It's not just a penny
This little coin I've found...

Found pennies come from heaven
That's what someone told me...
Angels toss them down.
oh, how I loved that story.

When an angel misse's you
they toss a penny down,
Sometimes just to cheer you up
To make a smile out of your frown

So don't pass by a penny
When your feeling blue,
It may be a penny from heaven.
That an angel tossed to you...

unknown Author

Angels are the guardians of hope and wonder,
the keepers of magic and dreams

Authur unknown

our greatest glory is not in never falling,
but in rising everytime we fall...

We can make our plans
but the lord determines our steps...